Wednesday, March 10, 2010


My little Daniel is still the smallest of the trio. Kirkwood's
Parents as Teachers nurses came to the house one evening last week and completed the babies' vision and hearing screening. Which they all passed by the way. While they were here they weighed the babies and Daniel was around 22 pounds. Daniel prefers to feed himself with his fingers which makes it difficult to get him the amount of vegetables and fruits he needs every day. If he's in the right mood he will eat diced carrots, apples, grapes, chicken and cheese. If he sees yogurt then he'll definitely let me feed him! He lets me sneak in some bites of healthy pureed foods. He has been doing pretty good with the straw cup and sippy cup. The only problem is that the babies barely take enough from their cups during the day and then I offer them a bottle at night assuming they will meet their quota with their bedtime bottle. This hasn't been the case because now they are not as interested in the bottle anymore. Hopefully each day they will take a little more from their cups! Daniel isn't walking yet, but he can stand for awhile on his own and he seems more excited when he is on his feet and standing unassisted. He claps and raises his arms when we say "so big". He loves to be sung to and he loves to cuddle. Daniel is still the sweet little boy I said he was from day 1 in the NICU.

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