Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Andrew and Colin conversing

It seems like we see most of the babies performing their "tricks" while they're interacting with me during feeding times! The babies are better able to gaze at each other, too. So many cute things happen while they're in their feeding chairs!

Peekaboo anyone???

Colin playing peekaboo

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Colin rocking to Usher

We were at The Lake of the Ozarks last weekend and while watching a movie we noticed Colin started to "dance" a little when Usher's song came on in one scene. It was so hilarious that I grabbed my camera and tried to catch it after we replayed the scene a few times. It's hard to see in the video, but he does bob his head a little to the music. Colin always makes me laugh!


Andrew has been blossoming so much! He has now been crawling on hands and knees since Monday (1/18/10). Each day he gets a little better. He has been so happy and curious of his surroundings. He likes to take toys out of his brothers hands, but sure doesn't like it when things are stolen from him! Unlike Colin who will just watch something be removed from his grasp and not fuss, Andrew will carry on as if it were the end of the world! Sensitive Andrew...always has been and probably always will be. He is a big boy weighing in at 24 lbs and 32 inches long. He still claps and raises his arms for "so big" when we say it. Tonight we thought he waved, but I'm sure if it wasn't a wave it will probably be soon. Today while playing on the floor with him I placed a small plush toy on my head and he laughed and rushed over to remove it. Then he tried to put it back on my head several times and I thought that was so clever. He makes clicking noises with his mouth and smacks his tongue, too. I have a feeling he'll be the first to talk with the way he is communicating so good already. What a wonderful boy Andrew is!


Sweet, sweet Colin is such a dear! He has turned into the most patient baby, compared to how he was when we first brought him home from the hospital! He never cries when I walk into their room to start to get them out of their beds when they have awoken. He just coos and looks at me and then kicks in delight when he sees me approach him to get him up. He reaches up for me whenever I approach him. He is so darn cute when he belly laughs, too. He is very ticklish and likes peekaboo. He recently played peekaboo with me with his bib during a feeding. He is very funny. He still growls like a monster and we all laugh when we hear it. Jack will say, "There's the monster baby again!" Speaking of monster...he is still the biggest baby-barely! At his 1 year checkup he weighed the most at 24 lbs. 4 oz. and was 31.5 inches in height. (Andrew is the tallest by 1/2 inch!) Colin has been watching his brothers crawl around and has been either sitting or rolling around the ground. He is difficult to change diapers and clothes since he always wants to turn to the left! Colin likes music, too. He bops his head and rocks when music comes on and it's just so darn cute! He is such a fun little guy who just melts my heart!


Daniel has been doing fantastic! At his 1 year appointment last week he weighed 21 lbs. 7 oz and was 31 inches long. Still the smallest of the bunch! He is such a little guy. I love watching his little self crawl around and cruise along the furniture. He is so quick and smooth! Daniel laughs a lot and flirts with strangers in a crowded room. He has been eating MUCH better lately which has made life easier for mommy and daddy around here! He is still at 6 teeth last time I checked. Little Daniel does not like it when I close the gate between the kitchen and the play room. He likes to try and get into the dishwasher and explore every room of the house. AND...Daniel can find anything. Anything he is not supposed to get into he does. Anything I try to hide he finds. Anything I think is out of his reach he grabs. He is a busy boy! He has been playing "ball" and drops or tosses a ball and then goes to chase it. It's quite cute!

January update

It's been a busy last couple of weeks! Everyone took awhile to get over their little colds, including Hoyt! Now it's my turn, but today has been a little better. This past weekend we took the babies on their first roadtrip. It was only a 3 hour trip to The Lake of the Ozarks for 2 nights. We stayed with our friends Karen and Mike with their baby twins in their family's 3 bedroom condo. It was spacious and very nice! We were busy, but we just hung out and had a very fun time! I took no

pictures that weekend though. So these are just some pictures of everyone around the house!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Holiday Playdates

These pictures are of our friends' children with the triplets. The first pictures are with the babies' friend, Theo, from Chicago who came in to visit over the holidays. Theo's mom, Krista, is one of my best friends from high school and we sure enjoyed their visit at our house! Theo will be turning 1 year old on January 12th! The next couple of pictures are of the triplets with their friends, The Mainzer twins. Bennett and Stella were born July 7, 2009 to our friends Karen and Mike Mainzer who are also the Godparents to Andrew. Karen is also one of my best friends from high school! It's so fun that 3 of my best friends from high school and I all had babies around the same time! Between the 4 of us (my 3 girlfriends and I) together we have 9 children...and the oldest of those 9 is our 3 1/2 year old, Jack Henry! Many years of fun ahead!

Andrew is now mobile!

Andrew starting army crawling this past Monday. He has been trying for awhile and now has finally figured out how to move. He is so pleased with can see it in his face. He always has been content, but now he seems even more happy and curious about his surroundings. I see him looking up and reaching as if he is trying to figure out how to pull himself up to knees or feet. One thing we've always known about Andrew is he is SO strong! Today I noticed him getting from a sit to crawling and then back to a sitting position again. He is learning how to transition between positions and he is even getting up on his hands and knees and rocking. I remember that is what Daniel did right before he started crawling on hands and knees! Now we have to continue working on Colin and getting him moving like his brothers!!

My wonderful boys in their matching shirts!

These fun pictures were taken the day after the birthday party (12/28/09). They all have so much fun together. It's going to be so fun to watch them interact and play together for years and years to come!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

More birthday pictures

Birthday party memories

I placed a bunch of photos from the past year onto a foam board for each baby. It was fun going down memory lane...emotional, too! The cake was made at Sam's and it was tasty!

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Andrew is so close to crawling! He pivots on his belly quite a bit and is scooting a little. He frequently gets up on hands and knees and rocks a little. He is finally figuring it out! He is interacting more with his brothers and is still a man of many faces! He is quite dramatic and seems to get his feelings hurt easily, too!! We are having so much fun with Andrew!


Colin is still a big boy, but I wonder if Andrew took the lead again in the weight department! I always have to roll up his sleeves a little and when in matching shirts I don't have to do that with Andrew's. Colin enjoys sitting and playing with whatever is in his reach. He is getting more flexible and is better tolerating us actively placing him in new positions. He is flipping over a lot from belly to back and then back to belly while he plays in the playroom. He loves people and doesn't miss a thing going on around him!


Daniel is still our little adventurer! He is cruising along furniture pretty fast and at times will stand alone a couple seconds before falling to his bottom. He gets around very good, but still enjoys cuddling on laps! He smiles a lot and in his latest version of a smile he squints his eyes and scrunches up his nose like a little bunny. He is so darn cute! He is even getting little curls in his hair in the back by his neck.

The birthday party!

Well, we had the big first birthday party on the triplets' actual birthday, Sunday, December 27th. Everybody had a nice time. We served sandwiches and chips from McAllister's Deli. Cake of course was the big hit. The babies didn't know what to think of their mini cakes! After careful observation of their cakes the babies finally digged in. I can't believe my babies are 1 year old!