Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It's been awhile because all of my little people had their first colds last week and over the weekend. They are so much better today! They all had runny noses and coughs. Andrew and Colin were taken last Thursday for some measurements of their heads to see if they need corrective helmets and little Colin will get one for sure and Andrew looks to be OK as long as we keep him off the back of his head during the day. They are reaching for each other and love to look at each other. It is so cute to see them interact...especially when Jack joins in. They are eating vegetables twice a day along with a couple tablespoons of cereal. It's getting a little harder to feed them bottles because they are getting a little distracted when they hear or see something. They're also taking better naps. 1 1/2 hours in the morning and afternoon and then a short evening nap followed by 11 hours of sleep at night. So far I'm able to keep them in their own rooms during the day for naps.

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