Saturday, November 20, 2010


We call these belly kisses "zerberts" as coined by Bill Cosby on The Cosby Show. That's where I heard the word zerbert! I even googled zerbert and found a definition: It is described as the act of pressing one's lips on a soft area of another person's flesh, such as their facial cheek, and blowing, producing a noise similar to that created by flatulence. Unlike blowing a raspberry (which is meant as an insult and a sign of disrepect), a Zerbertt is considered a sign of respect and affection
Very interesting indeed! All I know is I give the occasional zerbert on the cheek or belly and now they are zerberting each other. Funny boys!


I love these pictures of my boys quietly playing together!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

September Stroll

Here are a few photos before a little walk with the boys. We had so many beautiful days in September so lots of time was spent outdoors since we were trapped inside all summer with the obnoxious hot weather!

A beautiful day playing outside!

Monday, November 1, 2010

All of my "Strong Men"!

By the end of August all 4 of our little men have learned how to do "strong man". Strong man was started by Jack right around his first birthday. They each have their own version of strong man. Colin's is the most animated!