Monday, May 24, 2010

A trip to Dottie's

Here are some shots from one of our trips to Dottie's Ice Cream Parlor. Dottie's is located right around the corner from us so it makes for a nice trip in the stroller for the babies and a good little walk for Jack and I. The ice cream is the bonus though!

Funny Jack!

Another slap happy moment after dinner! Jack really had the babies laughing this time! I hope this puts a smile on your face like my 4 boys make me smile several times a day. What amazing little people they are!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Andrew is walking!

Andrew has been walking for about 1 week before these videos were FINALLY taken. He and Daniel both take the occasional few steps, but prefer to crawl. Each day Daniel and Andrew walk a little more frequently and farther. They still have not learned how to stand up independently in the middle of the room. Andrew enjoys walking more than Daniel. I think Daniel has been crawling for so long that he is too used to it and will take longer to switch to 100% walking.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Colin and Daniel playing

Colin and Daniel showing each other the love!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Watch out! Here he comes!

Blue eyes!

Andrew in Typical Andrew Fashion

I was trying to get a video clip of all 3 boys in action. Andrew, however, monopolized the camera...once again!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Fun at the mall

We went to the mall to have a little dinner for Jack's 4th birthday and take him to Build a Bear Workshop. The triplets had a good time, too!