Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Just a quick update on the boys' pediatrician appointment yesterday. Andrew is still the biggest at 16 pounds, 2 ounces. Colin is right behind him at 16 pounds. And little Daniel is 15 pounds, 3 ounces. The doctor says they are doing great and are between the 10th-50th percentile for their chronological age of 6 months for head circumference, length and weight. They got their immunizations which wasn't too fun, but they did well!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009

I guess we got the nap thing pretty much figured out! They take a nice nap in the morning for about 1 1/2-2 hours and then another 1-2 hour nap in the afternoon. Right now they're taking a short evening nap, Jack just woke up and Hoyt is getting ready to grill us something for dinner. Everyone is doing great! They are all taking 1 tbsp of cereal twice a day, although sometimes they are not interested/hungry and push it out with their tongues. They take 6 oz bottles 4 times a day and I'm still managing to nurse each baby once a day, except for Daniel. He is no longer interested so I pump at night for him and he takes that milk in the morning. They are so smiley. Andrew and Daniel have rolled over a few times, but nothing consistent. At least they all tolerate tummy time fairly well. Colin's flat spot on the posterior right side of his head was evaluated last week and we will reevaluate his measurements in 4 weeks and most likely he will be fitted for a helmet at that time. Tomorrow we go for their 6 month checkup so I will post their weights and updates as soon as I can!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wednesday June 17, 2009

The boys are fabulous! They continue to sleep between 10-12 hours at night. We're getting closer to having 3 regular naps during the day, too, which has been nice for me to have a predictable schedule. They are all laughing and smiling all the time. They are fascinated by their hands and starting to use them to bat at objects and grab things. They notice when I get up and walk away and right now Daniel is the one who doesn't like that very much! Patient and passive little Daniel is now wanting to be held and talked to a lot. He is so darn cute! Daniel is also talking up a storm! Every late afternoon-evening he is nonstop with all of his "sounds". Andrew is so sweet and has quite the personality. He is very relaxed and content just sitting there watching everything going on. Colin is still so funny! He just makes me smile every time I look at him. He likes to sit on your lap, look at you and coo like he's telling you a story. He is very expressive with his eyes. On Monday Daniel and Andrew turned over from stomach to back! They've done it a couple times since, but Colin has not flipped over just yet. He is getting close though!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

June 6, 2009

The boys continue to sleep great during the night! They are all finished with their bottles by 8:00 or 8:30 and in bed and they don't get up until at least 6:00 am. It's great! In the past 3-4 days each of them have started to giggle a little. It's so fun hearing all of their new sounds! They are very in tune with their surroundings. Colin and Daniel are not doing any better with their feedings of cereal so I may wait on this for a while. Andrew is doing fine with it twice a day. They are so much more content laying or sitting awake and it's making life so much easier for me! They are so wonderful!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

June 3, 2009

Right now I'm sitting here listening to Colin and Andrew play under their Baby Einstein gym. Their little coos are so cute to listen to. They also are watching Jack play and are so content after their morning bottles. Daniel of course is still in bed sleeping. Such a good boy! Last night Andrew laughed for the first time. He chucklled a little during his bath. We captured it on video! They are changing so much. I tried to feed Colin and Daniel cereal yesterday evening and they weren't very interested. We'll try again today and see what happens!